Party in the Paddock
Party in the Paddock
Party in the Paddock
Party in the Paddock 2023 - Vibestown Stage
Lighting Show Control

An Unforgettable Atmosphere: 3 Days, 10,000+ Fans United by Live Music and Art.
In collaboration with leading Tasmanian production supplier, Professional Music and Lighting Systems (PMLS), Halcyon delivered lighting operation and programming services for the Vibestown Stage at Party in The Paddock 2023. Over the 3-day event, with the breathtaking backdrop of the Tasmanian countryside fans were treated to some of the best in Australian live music, accompanied by immersive visual looks crafting a unique atmosphere for the stage.
An Unforgettable Atmosphere: 3 Days, 10,000+ Fans United by Live Music and Art.
In collaboration with leading Tasmanian production supplier, Professional Music and Lighting Systems (PMLS), Halcyon delivered lighting operation and programming services for the Vibestown Stage at Party in The Paddock 2023. Over the 3-day event, with the breathtaking backdrop of the Tasmanian countryside fans were treated to some of the best in Australian live music, accompanied by immersive visual looks crafting a unique atmosphere for the stage.
An Unforgettable Atmosphere: 3 Days, 10,000+ Fans United by Live Music and Art.
In collaboration with leading Tasmanian production supplier, Professional Music and Lighting Systems (PMLS), Halcyon delivered lighting operation and programming services for the Vibestown Stage at Party in The Paddock 2023. Over the 3-day event, with the breathtaking backdrop of the Tasmanian countryside fans were treated to some of the best in Australian live music, accompanied by immersive visual looks crafting a unique atmosphere for the stage.